牛津大学接受【in any subject】的硕士专业!

浏览量 2069 发表时间 2021-06-02 15:44:45


今天为大家总结一下牛津大学 有哪些授课型硕士专业,对本科的录取要求体现 a undergraduate degree in any subject

MSt in Bible Interpretation圣经解读

MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management生物多样性、保护和管理

MSt in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation比较文学与批评翻译

MSc in Comparative Social Policy比较社会政策

MSt in Diplomatic Studies外交研究

MSc in Environmental Change and Management环境变化与管理


MSt in Jewish Studies犹太人研究

MSt in Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period希腊罗马时期的犹太人研究

MSt in Korean Studies韩语研究

MSc in Latin American Studies拉丁美洲研究


Oxford 1+1 MBA 1年硕士+1年工商管理

MSc in Medical Anthropology医疗人类学

MSc in Migration Studies人口迁移研究

MSc in Modern South Asian Studies现代南亚研究

MSc in Nature, Society and Environmental Governance自然、社会与环境治理

Master of Public Policy (MPP)公共政策

MSc in Social Data Science社会数据科学

MSt in Syriac Studies叙利亚研究

MSc in Social Science of the Internet互联网的社会科学

MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment可持续发展,企业和环境

MSc in Translational Health Sciences转化健康科学

MSc in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology视觉,材料和博物馆人类学硕士

MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management水科学、政策与管理

MSt in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies女性,性别和性研究


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